Thursday 23 January 2014

The beginning of a new Dance Theatre Project...

Often planned well in advance, 9 slow months in the making, and yet still the arrival of a new baby is still a cataclysmic shock to most of us.  One of the most exhausting, exhilarating, and terrifying moments of our lives, but we invariably stumble through it in a state of dopiness that transforms the whole thing into a sort of blurry haze.  Now almost a year and a half after the arrival of my first child, it feels like I am gradually able to look back and laugh; and not only that but maybe, take some of those experiences into studio, dance, discuss, create, invent and share the results with all of you in a new dance theatre piece:

2+1 is a light hearted and poignant look at the effect of the arrival of a baby on a relationship. Exploring how the new arrival changes their physical contact, their attentiveness, ... and their attention span as they experience the joys of sleepless nights, dirty nappies, and 24h entertainment on cue. A washing machine sits at the back of the stage spewing out a seemingly endless supply of clean clothes, sometimes the couple fight back, sometimes the washing machine wins....

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